Candida Overgroeth
Find that if you are affected
What is Candida?
Candida (Candida Albicans) is a kind of yeast lives mainly in the
mucous membranes of the mouth, intestinal and digestive tract and vagina.
Candida is not just a female or skin issue!
Candida lives symbiotically within us. Normally it is kept under control by good health and probiotics.
However, when there are factors promoting the Candida growth and the body is immunocompromised,
Candida overgrowth is very likely to appear. Below are some risk factors:

Factors promoting candida growth:
— High sugar low protein diet
— Taking antibiotics or immunosuppressive drugs
— Living in a humid environment
— Diabetes
Factors suppressing candida control:
— Long-term illness and long-term stress
— Taking antibiotics or immunosuppressive drugs
— Taking oral contraceptives
— Malnutrition

How Candida overgrowth affect our body?
Candida produces toxins

Destroy red blood cells, impede blood flow and oxygen to different organs
Damage white blood cells,
weaken body immunity
Destroy thyroid tissue, slow down metabolism, cause fatigue
Destroy the intestinal mucosa, causing intestinal leakage and food sensitivity
Candida overgrowth – Feeling Unwell All Over
The symptoms of Candida overgrowth tend to overlap with other illnesses, making the problem easily ignore.

Acnes, Skin rashes, Onychomycosis

Oral thrush, Headaches, Recurrent sore throats, Nasal congestion or Ear infection
Head & Neck

Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS), Diarrhea, Constipation, Bloating

Vaginitis, Urinary tract infections, Athlete’s foot, Heart palpitation, Delayed food allergy, Sexual dysfunction, Sweet craving

Chronic fatigues, Anxiety, Depression, Attention deficit, Irritability, Premenstrual tension, Attention deficit
Why should use a blood test?
Different antibodies reveal different stage of Candida infection.
Blood test shows the level of freely circulating Candida-specific antibodies and antigens.
More convenient and accurate that swab tests.
Measure the level of Candida-specificantibodies & antigens in the body
Level of Candida-specific
antibodies & antigens tell if
there is Candida overgrowth
Indicate the stage ofsystemic Candida infection
Indicate if the immune
system is weakened
Virginal Swab Test
Use a cotton swab to sample the surface of the vaginal wall
Can’t tell if it is a Candida
infection or normally
occurring vaginal candida
Only indicate what is going on locally
Can’t indicate if the immune
system has been producing
antibodies against Candida
HK BioTek Technology Competency
• Duplicate runs of each sample for ultimate precision
• Our ELISA technology measures IgG, IgA, IgM antibodies and Candida antigens from your blood precisely, helps you to find out how Candida is affecting you systemically.
• Fully automated robotic systems for our ELISA platform
Test Items
Potential Indications
Candida Antigen
Potential Indications
A present or early infection
A past, active or pro-longed infection
An infection of the mucous membrane
the presence of Candida infection, specifically for immunodeficient individuals

The Test Process

User Testimonials
Not only a Female Issue
Jason L. & Beth L., Hong Kong
“Originally I consulted HK BioTek for my wife, realized that it is not a female issue, I got myself tested as well. We were both found to be positive and start a Candida diet and take probiotics. Many of those ‘small’ symptoms are gone, and we have become more energetic than ever! Glad that I have come across your website about this test.”
Kristy Chen, Hong Kong/ Beijing, China
“I do not mean to be dramatic but I feel better today than I have in the last few years. I read a book about yeast infection few years and that book made me suspect that I may be over-prescribed antibiotics when I lived in Hong Kong and Beijing. My result was positive- I switched to a diet to combat candida and took probiotics. I have lost over 10 pounds when following the diet – by cutting simple sugars. Thanks that I have read that book and took this test.”
Functional Medicine Practitioner, Hong Kong
“After testing and followed the treatment plan based on the result, I have noticed significant improvement on the itchy skin and breakouts from my patient. I am very happy with the testing service from HK BioTek, and intend on continuing making their tests as a part of my treatments for sure.”
Frequently-Asked Questions
1. What are the benefits of the Candida test?
- Semi-quantitative analysis of IgG, IgM, IgA and Candida antigens through ELISA procedure.
- Only a few drops of blood required- Analysis completed in the U.S.
- Comprehensive supporting information in client information sheets
2. Aren’t Candida yeast infections only a female problem?
This is a common misconception. While the vaginal Candida infection is very common in women, that’s not the only form of yeast infection. Other very common forms of Candida infections include athlete’s foot, ringworm, oral thrush, jock itch, and other fungal skin irritations. It can possibly be the cause of feeling sick all over in men, women and children.
3. Can the Candida Screening test provide accurate and reliable test results?
We use the fully-automated ELISA technology to measure the antibody level. All blood samples are sent to US BioTek Labs for testing, and each sample is retested to ensure accuracy, and the test is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Authorized by the Commission on Office Laboratory Accreditation (COLA), US BioTek Labs is the only laboratory with reproducible results that is the most sensitive to blood samples.

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