Food Sensitivity
Find out your allergense
Food Sensitivity and Chronic Inflammation
All kinds of uncomfortable symptoms from body may related to the food that you are eating each day.
The ignored and untreated food sensitivities will keep on stimulating the intestine and immune system, weaken the immunity, causing common chronic symptoms, and then turn into the vicious circle.

Bad dietary habits from the daily life,
chemical toxins and allergens from everywhere.

Stimulate the intestine and immune system continuously,
Increasing the immunity load.

Worsen the leaky gut problem, over reaction of immune systems causing the on-going inflammations.

Human body become sensitive and being infected easily, comes with various chronic symptoms.
The most common food reactions

Immediate onset reaction
IgE Antibody
Appear within few minutes
Short reaction time,
significant symptoms
→ Easy to trace contact with allergens

Delayed onset reaction
IgG Antibody
Appear within few hours to few days
Long-lasting symptoms and
not significant
→ Difficult to trace back to allergens
Symptoms Associated with Food Sensitivities

Eczema, Skin rashes, Urticaria, Dry skin, Psoriasis, Herpetiformis, Hair follicle inflammation

Joint Pain, Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Muscle Aches

Hypertension, Migraines, Hypotension, Palpitation

Indigestion, Gas & Bloating, Diarrhea, Mouth sores, Constipation, Cramping pain, Hiccup, Vomiting, Gastroxia

Auditory vertigo, Ear effusion, Tinnitus, Itchy eyes

Chronic fatigue, Giddiness, Head swelling, Insomnia, Abnormal blood sugar level, Weight fluctuation, Water retention, Obesity, Overweight

Anxiety, Learning disabilities, Hyperactivity, Autism, Depression, Food cravings, Poor concentration

Asthma, Colds, Recurrent sinusitis, Runny nose, Allergic rhinitis, Snoring, Long-term coughing
Source: “功能醫學概論”, ”Textbook of Natural Medicine”, “別把吃毒當吃補”
Find out your allergens with the help of technology
HK BioTek offers comprehensive testing service, in order to adjust your diet

Reliable testing technology of over 85% accuracy.
Bilingual reports with supplementary information sheets provided for easy comprehension.
1:1 consultation with our in-house nutritionist for detailed report interpretation and advice.
Available Test Options in the Market
Test for food reaction can be categorized into two main types: Skin test and Blood test

Skin Test
Inject food proteins onto the skin and observe the redness and itchiness resulted, indicate the immediate (IgE) reaction

Skin Test
Inject food proteins onto the skin and observe the redness and itchiness resulted, indicate the immediate (IgE) reaction
How to choose a reliable testing service provider?
REPRODUCBILITY is defined as the same result is collected after the repetition of the procedures. This means a sample is tested repeatedly, with its result validated for the highest accuracy [1]. The difference between the test results should be minimized in order to be clinically proven [2].
When choosing a reliable testing service, you should enquire the testing service provider or look up the testing details online with the testing details, as well as checking whether the testing laboratory offers ‘repeatable’ test results.
1 Byrd, D. et al., 2000
2 Hodsdon, W., Zwickey H., 2010. Natural Medicain Journal, NMJ Original Research: Reproducibility and Reliability of Two Food Allergy Testing Methods. Vol 2:3
HK BioTek Technology Competency
We work with the world-renowned laboratories and provide the most comprehensive testing services. Our reliable detection technology with a high accuracy rate of over 85%, providing a high sensitive measurement and identify the culprits that can cause you to be unwell. We cooperate with two laboratories in Europe and the United States.
US laboratories – Fully automated system, high sensitivity, widely adopted
IgE Testing
• This fully automated system with a higher level of sensitivity enables to detect even with the tiny or non-obvious immune responses.
• The system is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the outstanding performance and reliability.
IgE Testing
• In order to achieve the highest accuracy in IgG testing, each sample would undergo repeated testing with the use of ELISA technology along with the fully automatic mechanized system in a CAP accredited facility
• According to a Swedish study, HK BioTek employs the highest accuracy and sensitivity of ELISA technology, which is the only testing service that provides reliable test results with consistency.
Fully automated system combines with twice repeated testing, to ensure the ‘reproducibility’ reliable test results.
German laboratory – ISO certification, a reliable technology, European allergen test expert
IgE and IgG testing
• Awarded with certification EN ISO 13485, which is the most qualified scientific assurance.
• This test allows you to test how your body responses to about 300 food items with just a small amount of blood sample.
• This laboratory is also a Europe leading manufacturer of allergen reagents that with the professional research team and outstanding quality assurance.
ISO certification, with a regular monitoring of the laboratory performance. This remains the consistency of the test results neither from inter-testing or intra-testing, well-performed with an extremely high ‘reproducibility’.
Extensive Test Items & Packages
How would I choose the most appropriate food sensitivities test?
Analysis at the lab in the US, takes 2-3 weeks
Analysis at the lab in the US, takes 2-3 weeks
Test suggestion is based on previous clients’ experience. This chart is only for reference. It could not replace any medical advice or diagnosis.

The Testing Process
Testing at HK BioTek

Testing at Clinics in Hong Kong and Macau
Our service is carried by 450+ healthcare professionals in Hong Kong and Macau. Our staff could refer you to practitioners that suit you, according to the location, nature of practice and your insurance coverage.
• Western medicine physicians (General Practice, Paediatric, Dermatology, ENT, etc)
• Chinese Medicine Practitioners
• Dietitians or Nutritionists
• Naturopath or other holistic practitioners
If you wish to take the test with your family doctor, please let us know your name and the name of your doctors. We will contact them for you and make our test available to you at your greatest convenience.
Our email: info@hkbiotek.com and our contact number: +852 2763 1488.

User Testimonials
Insomnia & Fatigue
Angela (28 year old)
“Thanks to HK BioTek. I now find myself free of the persistent fatigue and bouts of insomnia. At that time, I was studying my master degree and having a stressful job. I felt exhausted but couldn’t sleep at night. Had a number of tests ordered through my GP, but still clueless on what was happening. I really didn’t think this could happen on me when I was still under 30. These in fact turned out to be a problem with diary, egg and cherry. After a slight change in diet for 1 month, I felt the energy has come back and I am better than I was.”
Angela (28 year old)
“Thanks to HK BioTek. I now find myself free of the persistent fatigue and bouts of insomnia. At that time, I was studying my master degree and having a stressful job. I felt exhausted but couldn’t sleep at night. Had a number of tests ordered through my GP, but still clueless on what was happening. I really didn’t think this could happen on me when I was still under 30. These in fact turned out to be a problem with diary, egg and cherry. After a slight change in diet for 1 month, I felt the energy has come back and I am better than I was.”
Angela (28 year old)
“Thanks to HK BioTek. I now find myself free of the persistent fatigue and bouts of insomnia. At that time, I was studying my master degree and having a stressful job. I felt exhausted but couldn’t sleep at night. Had a number of tests ordered through my GP, but still clueless on what was happening. I really didn’t think this could happen on me when I was still under 30. These in fact turned out to be a problem with diary, egg and cherry. After a slight change in diet for 1 month, I felt the energy has come back and I am better than I was.”
Angela (28 year old)
“Thanks to HK BioTek. I now find myself free of the persistent fatigue and bouts of insomnia. At that time, I was studying my master degree and having a stressful job. I felt exhausted but couldn’t sleep at night. Had a number of tests ordered through my GP, but still clueless on what was happening. I really didn’t think this could happen on me when I was still under 30. These in fact turned out to be a problem with diary, egg and cherry. After a slight change in diet for 1 month, I felt the energy has come back and I am better than I was.”
Frequently-Asked Questions
'Food allergy’, ‘food sensitivity’ and ‘food intolerance’ are often used interchangeably to describe any unpleasant experience after eating the ‘wrong’ foods. It could be very confusing as they share many of the same signs and symptoms.
1. Food Allergy? Food Sensitivity? Food Intolerance?
Involve Immune System
Terms in Everyday Language
Food Allergy
Food Sensitivity
Food Intolerance
No [3]
Within mins
Show up in hours or days
Show up in hours or days
Show up in hours or days
Delayed Food Allergy
*Always get mixed up with allergies and sensitivities
Easy to trace the culprits
Could look the same [4]
3 The University of Nebraska-Lincoln
4 The University of Rochester and University of Chicago
2. What are the strengths of HK BioTek's Food Antibody test?
• A comprehensive range of testing items, including immediate onset and delated onset reactions, up to 280 food items list.
• Both Europe and America lab uses a highly sensitive system that could reflect your immune response in the body even is non-obvious
• We employed certified laboratories with exquisite detection technology for the highest accuracy
• A comprehensive testing package: A customized rotational diet guide and food family & source booklet are provided along with the testing report
3. Can the test provide accurate and reliable testing results?
US Laboratories: The tests utilize a fully automated robotic system (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay and Enzyme-amplified chemiluminescence technology). This allows you to find out the level of the antibodies produced in response to the food you have consumed precisely, providing a reliable quality assurance. All tests are conducted in a U.S. government accredited laboratory, each sample would be run twice to generate reliable and consistent results.
US Laboratories is an independent clinical laboratory approved by CLIA (US Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments), and the accreditation from CAP (College of American Pathologists) and COLA (US Commission on Office Laboratory Accreditation). CAP accreditation, with the authority granted by the Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services (CMS) within the United States Department of Health and Human Services, helps to maintain accuracy of test results, meet required standard from CLIA, FDA and OSHA*: where excellence in patient safety, laboratory management, staff competency, procedures and processes, equipment and facilities and record keeping. The Laboratories is also licensed by the State of Washington to perform testing worldwide. (*Sources: College of American Pathologists, retrieved on 10 Oct 2020)

laboratory: Certification of EN ISO 13485, with a regular monitoring of the laboratory performance. This remains the consistency of the test results neither from inter-testing or intra-testing, well-performed with an extremely high ‘reproducibility’ and accuracy. This laboratory is also a Europe leading manufacturer of allergen reagents that with the professional research team and outstanding quality assurance.

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